Product Catalogue

Scuba Regulator Testing: Test Bench

Our entry level SCUBA regulator Test Bench features a 0 – 20 bar low pressure gauge for SCUBA 1st stage intermediate pressure and a dual scale 0 – 75mm H2O (0 – 3 inches) Magnehelic gauge for second stage cracking pressure. The system is housed in a brushed stainless steel console with options as a standalone console with handle, the addition of test stand (as shown below) or can also be wall mounted. A quick connection mounted to the console allows quick set-up and an 18 bar relief valve with manual vent provides the required safety should an over pressure occur.

Scuba Regulator Testing
Scuba Regulator Testing
Part Number Description
RT01-A-0001 Test Bench, SCUBA, 0-20b, 0-75H2O
RT01-A-0002 Gauge, Magnehelic, Dual Scale, 0-75H, 0-20B

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