Product Catalogue

Cylinder Invertors: Small (Scuba/BA/Fire/Exit): Multi

The multi-cylinder invertor system provides a cylinder mounting and draining arrangement for proof testing cylinders such as SCUBA, Breathing Apparatus, Fire Extinguishers and equivalent sizes. The system allows three cylinders to be tested, drained and dried simultaneously to provide a fast and efficient cylinder test solution. The system features an overhead frame work and 3 cylinder cradle to allow the hydrostatic proof testing in-situ then draining / drying by rotation into either a supplied stainless steel drain tank or a suitable bund / floor grating drain system. High pressure pipe work is integrated into the overhead frame and pressure control is achieved by simply connecting our standard or large scale proof test panel.

Multi Invertor
Part Number Description
HT06-A-0001 Invertor, Proof Test, 3 Cylinder
HT06-C-0022 Tank, Drain, Proof Test, 3 Cylinder

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